Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Secretaries of Energy
L-R: Lab Director Christoph Leemann, JLab Associate Director of Accelerator Division Swapan Chattopadhyay, Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman, Dr. Andrew Hutton. Dr. Hutton discusses the five cell cavity.
Anthony W. Thomas and Ray Orbach converse during Secy Samuel Bodman's visit, February 22, 2006.
Congressman Bobby Scott with Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman during Secy Bodman's visit February 22, 2006.
Congressman Bobby Scott, Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman, Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis, and Lab Director Christoph Leemann pose for a photo in the Accelerator Control Center during Secretary Bodman's visit, February 22, 2006.
Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis, Congressman Bobby Scott and DOE Director of the OFfice of Science discuss the five-cell cavity during Secretary Samuel Bodman's visit, February 22, 2006.
Congresswoman Jo Ann Davis, Congressman Bobby Scott and Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman listen to a presentation in Hall C during Secretary Bodman's visit February 22, 2006.
Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman and other guests and staff are transported to Hall C via tunnel on golf carts.
Christoph Leemann speaks during Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman's visit, February 22, 2006.
Leon Cole (right foreground) presents a poster in Hall C during Secretary Bodman visit, February 22, 2006.
Rolf Ent (right) welcomes visitors to Hall C during Secretary Bodman's visit, February 22, 2006.
Rolf Ent (right) welcomes visitors to Hall C during Secretary Bodman's visit, February 22, 2006.
Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman addresses lab staff and guests during a visit February 22, 2006.
Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman reads a poster in Hall C while Stephanie Bailey presents during the Secretary's visit to the lab, February 22, 2006.
Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman with JLab Director Christoph Leemann during the Secretary's visit to the lab February 22, 2006.
Secretary Samuel Bodman and Lab Director Christoph Leemann depart the MCC building during Secretary Bodman's visit, February 22, 2006.
The group of visitors accompanying Secretary Samuel Bodman visit the hub of accelerator operations during Secretary Bodman's visit, February 22, 2006.